Online Portfolio DOs and DON’Ts

If you don’t have an online portfolio yet…now is the time to create one! Online portfolios are a remarkably useful tool for you to showcase your work, achievements, potential and personality.

When applying for jobs include a link to your online portfolio with your resume. You’re now a step ahead of your portfolio-less competition for the job. An interview with an employer who has already reviewed your work is going to be a much “warmer” interview. You know they like something about your work, the next step is to build on that positive review with you bright personality.

What if you’re not looking for a job? Should you still have one? Absolutely! Opportunities may present themselves that you never knew existed. If you want opportunity to knock at your door, you have to have a door, don’t you?

If you need some assistance in putting together a portfolio or would like your portfolio reviewed by me please contact me at

In the meantime, here’s some simple tips for online portfolio success:

  • DO take the time to look at all of your work and carefully choose the right pieces for your portfolio.  Display only the projects that you are really proud of and that look the best.
  • DO include samples of your work at different stages showcasing your full skillset. Images of finished projects are nice to look at but don’t tell much of a story about how this project came to life.
  • DON’T include music (PLEASE)! Even I like the song I’ll be tired of it within seconds which leaves me looking for the mute button instead of focusing on your work
  • DO categorize your projects and work so it’s easy to navigate and find the work that is most relevant for the project/position .
  • DON’T forget to include your contact information so I can send you a quick e-mail. We’re all so busy…make it easy to connect with you!
  • DO tell me your story.  Your resume is the stops you have made along the way.  Include your point of view and how you developed it. Connect it with your relevant accomplishments – these could be projects, awards or publications.
  • DON’T distract from your work. Keep your portfolio design simple, and let the work take center stage. When designing a portfolio, you want a website that is straightforward. You want your content to be the focal point rather than a distracting design.